Monday, October 19, 2009

How to Build Muscle Quickly - Muscle Building Secrets of the Super Fit By Ryan M Hall

Whether you are just starting out or have been hitting the gym for years, there is one thing everybody wants to know, how to build muscle quickly. The muscle building secrets of the super fit, those overachievers who can gain 10 lbs in a few weeks aren't as closely guarded as you might think. You just have to know where to look and who to talk to.
Most of us have spent a fortune on all the must have muscle gainers and lean mean cutting supplements, only to be disappointed with the results we receive. For those of you who have been body building for a while, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Not too long ago, I became one of the lucky ones. I learned the secrets to easily building huge amounts of lean muscle very quickly, and I want to pass some of that information on to you so that you too can be "one of the lucky ones."
Below are some of my favorite tips on building muscle quickly.
Tips to Build Muscle Quickly:
- Work hard but not Long:
If you work your muscle hard (keep a high intensity) but don't overwork them, you will force them to grow, but not make them so tired that you slow the healing process.
- Eat Protein and Carbs:
Don't cut carbs, especially post workout. Your muscles need carbs and protein in order to rebuild after each exercise. Give them the fuel they need, especially right after you leave the gym.
- Compound Exercises:
Do more compound exercises rather than focusing on specific muscle groups. This will help to build all of your muscle groups at once, rather than each group one at a time. This will also build muscle groups together, making them work in conjunction with one another, something you won't get with isolation exercises.
- Use Free Weights:
Using free weights will force your muscle to work harder to stabilize the weights where machines do the stabilization for you. Stabilizing the weights while you lift will make you gain even more muscle quicker than if you are using a locked down machine.
- Drink Water:
You need to be hydrated if you want your muscles to grow. Make sure you are drinking a lot of water when ever you are exercising to build muscle.
Building muscle quickly is much easier if you just follow these few simple tips!
Don't waste your money on miracle muscle building supplements or work hard without a solid plan, go into the gym and exercise the right way, and you will get the right results.
For more information on how you can Build Muscle Quickly and sculpt the body of your dreams with short 20 minute workouts and a simple straight forward diet plan, visit
Sign up for the free diet tips ebook and learn some simple changes you can make in your life to lose up to 20 lbs. in 20 days. This is the exact blueprint that I have used to lose an amazing 95 lbs. of fat and gain 20 lbs. of Lean Muscle Mass.