Saturday, October 31, 2009

How Many Calories Should I Eat? How Many Calories Should I Cut? By Claudia Ohst

When you finally have decided that now is the time, now you really want or need to lose weight, one of the first questions popping into your mind is "How many calories should I eat to lose weight?" or "How many calories should I cut?" If you want to get these questions answered and plan your diet easily, read on!
So, how many calories should I eat? Well, it depends mainly on two factors and let's first have a look onto these:
  • what is your calorie maintenance level (the amount of calories you can eat where you neither lose weight nor put on weight)
  • at what speed do you want to lose weight (the faster, the harder to do!), this determines how many calories you need to cut
How many calories should I eat for maintenance?
Your calories needed for maintenance are influenced by your gender, your current weight, your height, your age and your activity level. If you feed these data into an online BMR calculator, you will get your personal result calculated within seconds. So, that part was easy and gives you already an estimate about how many calories you should eat at maximum. For weight loss it has obviously to be below that value. But how much?
How many calories should I eat to lose weight?
Now, we all would prefer to lose weight at a speed of 10 pounds in 5 days etc. These and similar high promises are often done within the weight loss industry, but a result like this is unlikely and even unhealthy. Opt for something more realistic and get an idea how fast you want to lose weight. It should be fast enough to show some results and keep you motivated but slow enough to be doable and enable you to stick to your diet for as long as it has to be. Being rather weeks to months than 5 days!
How many calories should I cut? Calculate your calorie deficit
Say you want to lose those 10 pounds not in 5 days but 5 weeks, this is still 2 pounds per week and equals a calorie deficit of 7,000 calories per week, or 1,000 calories per day that you either need to eat less or exercise off. Each day! Even that is not so easy, but doable.
Calculate you calorie deficit per day as follows:
Daily calorie deficit = pounds you want to lose x 3,500 calories / number of days you want to diet
Example: 10 pounds x 3,500 / 35 days (5 weeks) = 1,000 calories = daily calorie deficit
Now the only thing left to do is to take the value of your daily calorie deficit off the amount of calories needed for maintenance and then you know how many calories you should eat when you want to lose those pounds!
Example Calculation:
Female, 25 years old, height 5'7, weight 156 pounds, lightly active, wants to lose 10 pounds in 5 weeks. Her questions is: How many calories should I cut and how many calories should I eat?
BMR (lightly active) = 2,098 calories per day
How many calories should I cut = 1,000 calories
How many calories should I eat = 1,098 per day
Alternatively you can eat a bit more like 1,400 calories per day and increase your activity, do some exercise daily, walk , run, dance or do whatever it takes to move your body.
Now that we shed some light on your questions "How many calories should eat to lose weight?" (see related VIDEO on my blog!) and "How many calories should I cut?", use this BMR calculator to have your values calculated and get started with your diet.
Author: Claudia Ohst from
Article: How many calories should I eat? How many calories should I cut?

Friday, October 30, 2009

Too Many Carbohydrates Can Make You Fat - Fat Carries Health Risks! By C J Childs

Protein and fat have little impact on your blood sugar levels, carbohydrates on the other hand are another story altogether.
Carbohydrates are found in foods such as bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, and fruits.
Carbohydrates such as sugar and starch are broken down into glucose (glucose is a form of sugar that your body uses for energy) during digestion and quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. This means the more carbohydrates you eat the higher and quicker your blood sugar rises - raising your insulin levels higher too.
When your blood sugar levels rise your insulin levels rise. The main task of insulin - a hormone in your body - is to move glucose from your bloodstream into your muscles.
Glycogen is the name given to carbohydrates that enter your muscles as sugar and are stored there. There is a limit to how much glycogen your body can store. Once the glycogen store is full, your body starts to use incoming carbohydrates you eat as fuel - instead of the stored fat it should be using - otherwise the glycogen will overflow into the bloodstream.
There are two serious problems with glycogen overflowing into the bloodstream:
  1. If the glycogen store is full for long periods the constant overflow into the bloodstream can result in chronically high blood sugar levels. This in turn can lead to damage to the small blood vessels of your eyes and kidneys and ultimately even brain and heart.
  2. If this glycogen store is full then the overflow of sugar is switched from being sent to the muscles, to being sent to the liver instead, the liver then converts it to a type of fat known as triglycerides. Elevated triglycerides can lead to heart disease and diabetes
Once sugars become triglycerides they can be stored in the body as fat. Unlike the glycogen which has a limit to how much can be stored in your body, there is no limit for how much fat can be stored!
Being overweight can lead to many health related issues. One of them, Diabetes type 2, is on the increase - this seems related to the rise in the percentage of people that are now overweight. If diabetes is detected early enough then sometimes no treatment will be necessary other than weight loss and perhaps a change of diet. Weight loss does not always mean a diet. Simple changes to the way you eat can help you lose weight.
Crash dieting, which severely restricts the daily calories, is never recommended as this can lead to a deficiency in vitamins and nutrients your body needs - by reducing the calorie intake by 300 - 500 calories per day you can still lose a few pounds each week with very little effort.
So carbohydrates can make you fat, however they are also very useful and should not be completely removed from your normal diet.
The typical percentage of your daily intake that should come from carbohydrates is 45 - 65% for a standard 'eat everything in moderation' diet, this figure would be reduced if you wanted a low-carbohydrate diet.
If you are going to reduce the percentage of daily carbohydrates you eat, why not replace them with some foods that help burn fat and promote good health?
Too many carbohydrates (carbs) can be bad for you. However it is possible to still eat foods you like and lose weight, including carbs. We aim to show you how this is possible.
Visit the website at to find out more.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

How Proper Goals Can Make Losing Weight Fast and Easy By Edwin V. Tan

Because of so many options out there in getting started with losing weight, figuring out where to start has become difficult. The various challenges that you will encounter both physically and psychologically only make it worse. That's why getting started is really never the easiest thing to do.
But if you know exactly what your desire is then things will somehow become quite easier. So decide for yourself what it is that you are trying to achieve. This is a good place to start.
You must understand that when you first start out you will surely be thinking a lot of different things all at once. That's why before doing or thinking about anything else you really have to sit down and ask yourself what you are trying to accomplish.
From this first step, you can then proceed towards making some proper and specific goals. At the beginning, any idea of what you want maybe vague and unclear. For example, of course you want to lose some weight, but you don't know exactly how much. As to weight itself, do you dream of losing 30 pounds?
You are free to set your goals in whatever terms you want it to be. Just be sure to put clear-cut figures to it if possible in order for you to measure your progress easily. This will also determine the effectiveness of the methods that you use.
Although you have your ultimate target, having small goals along the way can also be very helpful. Setting a timetable for accomplishing each one of them is also useful and can even speed up the process.
If your main goal for example is to lose 30 pounds within 6 months, then your minor goal will be to lose 5 pounds every month. This is quite an undemanding target for you to do. Achieving the final target will become easier because you have something to work on each month. Your main goal will not look too far off.
In this way, you will not procrastinate and thus be able to achieve that one final goal.
Your goals of course must be equally realistic and challenging. When goals are not that challenging, there is the tendency of putting them off because they are quite easy to achieve.
In the same vein, unrealistic goals will only discourage you because they will seem impossible to do. Finding a balance between the two is the ideal solution. You will be motivated to attain your goals, giving you a satisfying sense of achievement once they are done.
Definitely, if you set up goals as outlined above, winning them is more than likely!
Visit the Product Review Site for Weight Loss
Edwin V. Tan is an Internet Marketer, publisher and educator. His "Product Review Sites" blog gives you expert articles, reviews, and news to help you choose the top 3 highly recommended product solutions effectively. From Internet Marketing to Non-Internet Marketing products, tools and solutions, Product Review Sites outlines all of them for you.
Visit the blog to learn more at

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

5 Ways to Break a Stubborn Weight Loss Plateau By Matt Schifferle

#1 Be Active Every Day.
Back in the day, body building gave us the idea that the human body is supposed to work very hard and then rest and cover. Unfortunately this has lead to the idea that you need to take 3 or 4 days off each week that have less activity and hence slow down your calorie burning furnace.
While recovery is always necessary, you don't always need to take the day off. Sure, you might not want to run 10 miles each day, but it's far easier to make the fat drop when you fit some sort of activity into 6-7 days a week rather than just 3 or 4.
#2 Spread Your Activity Through the Day.
It's far easier to keep a hot metabolism through multiple bouts of activity rather than getting all of your activity all at once.
If possible, break your activity into shorter mini workouts through the day. This is also a great way to boost your energy level for the next few hours.
A great way to do this is to walk or ride a bike as part of your commute or do a little strength training in the morning and then finish off later in the day. This strategy is also great for those who have a hard time fitting in a full hour in at the gym after work.
#3 Find Things that Drain Your Energy and Eliminate them Whenever Possible.
A high energy level is your greatest weapon in fat loss. In fact, I often tell people that your energy level is in fact your metabolism. So if your energy level is low, so is your fat blasting metabolism.
So be sure to get enough sleep, and pay attention to foods that give or take away energy. You can also focus on daily habits like watching certain TV shows or hanging around some people at work that might steal your energy. Be ruthless in your protection of your energy level. If someone or something was costing us money we would usually notice and make a stand, but when it comes to our energy level we tend to let people and habits push us around far too much.
#4 Get Out!
Gyms are great, but I always find my best calorie torching activities are done in the great out doors. It doesn't matter if you hike, bike, row, walk, jog or play tennis. Getting outside at least twice a week can really make a difference in your energy level and motivation. Plus it's sometimes far easier to be active for a longer period of time when you're not just watching the clock tick down while doing a gym based workout.
#5 Be a Rebel, Break a Few Rules!
Every fitness plateau happens for the same reason; we set up our workout program around a few rules and we stick to those rules like glue.
Such examples could be working out for 45 minutes, doing cardio for 30 minutes, always lifting for 10 reps, staying in a certain heart rate zone or doing the same exercises in a certain order.
Once you have been working out for a couple of months, your body has adapted to the rules you now follow and doesn't see much reason to change any further.
Challenging the rules you follow is the fastest way to shake things up. You don't have to always do 10 reps, you don't have to do 45 minute of cardio and you can do your order of exercises backwards. When it comes to fitness few rules are set in stone and going against our current workout and lifestyle rules is always sure to make something happen.
The First Ever free Web TV show on Weight Loss and Fitness Independence is here!
Past episodes:
-Why traditional core exercise is wasting your time, plus one exercise that doesn't!
-3 ways sugar and simple carbs can be eaten so you don't spike your blood sugar and gain fat!
-Learn why 90% of all exercise is not going to help you shed any fat whatsoever!
Watch each week for tips for living the fitness lifestyle you were meant to live!
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Learn How to Lose Abdominal Fat by Shifting Your Carbohydrates By Dr. Becky Gillaspy

Abdominal fat is different than fat that you will find accumulating on the hips, butt and legs and so learning how to lose abdominal fat has some differences as well. This article shares with you how shifting your carbohydrate intake can help you speed fat loss from your belly.
Abdominal fat is sometimes referred to as "metabolically active" fat. This means that it can more easily release fatty acids into the blood which can become an increased risk factor for diseases such as cardiovascular disease.
This makes learning how to lose abdominal fat a key factor in overall good health.
What you want to do to lose belly fat is to minimize the spikes in insulin that happen within your body. When you eat a meal that is high in refined carbohydrates for instance your body will release a lot of insulin into your system. This sets up an internal environment that promotes the storage of body and belly fat and also inhibits fat burning.
To avoid these spikes in insulin you will want to eat more whole grain carbohydrates such as whole grain breads and pastas, brown rice, etc. These foods that are more in their natural and less processed form will break down slower in your body and cause less of an insulin spike.
You can also boost your belly fat burning by shifting your whole grain carbohydrates to the earlier half of your day. By focusing on foods like protein, vegetables and good fats in the afternoon and evening hours you will lessen the rise and fall of insulin in your body and create an internal environment that helps you lose stomach fat.
The problem of how to lose abdominal fat can be found in learning how to simply shift your carbohydrate intake throughout the day.
Do you want to learn more about how to do it? I have just completed a brand new free guide. Download it free here: 7 Secrets Guide
Do you want to learn how to speed up your fat loss? Speed-Up Fat Loss

Monday, October 26, 2009

Discover the 5 Explosive Secrets That Help You Lose Abdominal Fat Fast By Dr. Becky Gillaspy

If your goal is to lose abdominal fat fast then you are not alone, this is a problem area for men and women alike. Read on to discover 5 high impact strategies that get the fat off your midsection quickly.
1. Keep your insulin levels steady. Avoid foods that spike your insulin levels because this spike creates a negative internal environment which promotes the storage of body and belly fat and prevents fat burning. I like to say if the food has been puffed, popped, processed, packaged or made into a pastry pick something else.
2. Shift your carbohydrates to the mornings. By keeping carbohydrates out of your diet in the afternoon and evening you force your body to burn fat for energy and belly fat is often the first to go.
3. Explode your aerobic routine. If you want to lose abdominal fat fast then vary the pace of your aerobic routine. Start with a slow warm-up and then explode with burst of fast pace repeating this cycle throughout the session.
4. The more muscle = the more metabolism. Metabolism is how your body burns fat so exercise in ways that strengthen or build your muscle mass. Try weight training or use your own body weight for resistance.
5. Avoid calorie drinks. Think water first, other drinks such as sugary soda and alcohol add a lot of empty calories and carbs which make losing belly fat harder.
To lose abdominal fat fast get the most out of your diet and exercise using the tips above.
Do you want to learn more about how to do it? I have just completed a brand new free guide. Download it free here: 7 Secrets Guide
Do you want to learn how to speed up your fat loss? Speed-Up Fat Loss

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Looking For Alternatives Ways to Lose Weight? By Christensen Martin

If you really are keen on losing weight, but sick and tired of going to a gym, jogging or what ever you have been doing so far to lose those stubborn pounds of excessive body fat, then you would be happy to know that there is an alternative to weight loss, a very effective way to get rid of body weight and increase your overall health.
The alternative is to do some regulations to your body naturally, so your body is going to be able to burn more calories, optimize your energy level and spending, decrease your appetite and cravings for sweet and salty stuff, and finally boost your metabolism.
In the search for anti aging drugs, the researchers have done an amazing discovery, they found the gene that controls the aging process, named SIRT 1. By activating SIRT1 you are actually able to increase certain processes that is going to help you lose weight, and keeping it of by controlling, your metabolism and hunger hormones.
You have probably heard that a glass of wine a day keeps the doctor away, that is true there is some health benefit in drinking wine. But unfortunately wine contains alcohol which is not good for you especially not everyday. Resveratrol is an ingredient in Wine, it is located just under the skin of the wine grapes, and Resveratrol is the reason for the many health benefits we have in wine. Scientists have studied the effects of Resveratrol for more than 20 years now, and the research are promising. Not only in the field of anti aging and anti aging related diseases, but also when comes to weight loss and general health.
Studies with humans in Finland and many studies with mice, shows that Resveratrol is able to activate and control the SIRT 1 gene. The test group in Finland experienced a significant increase in their metabolism and much more energy than before taking Resveratrol as a supplement.
Another benefit is that Resveratrol is able to inhibit the secretion of insulin released by your pancreas when you eat sweets and sugar rich food, because of an increased blood sugar level. That means instead of sugar being stored as body fat thanks to insulin, it is being used as the main fuel source for the body. You will feel full and satisfied, and no further hunger hormones will be triggered by the brain.
Resveratrol supplements are already being taking by millions of people worldwide with satisfying results. Users have reported a significant decrease in appetite when taking Resveratrol as a supplement. Studies have shown significant drops from 2500 calories to just 800 calories daily in calorie intake, without any hunger feeling. 800 calories on a daily basis is way to low for your body to function. But it for sure tells us that Resveratrol is a great supplement, if you want to lose weight, without going to the gym, by simply alter some changes to the way your body function and spend energy.
Boost up your diet and get rid of that stubborn fat. Try Resveratrol for free. We have collected the best Resveratrol products, for you to try out absolutely Free. Go to

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ways to Become Thin Fast By Allen Chen Platinum Quality Author

The matter of how to become thin fast is more a matter of learning how to keep two commitments to dietary changes, adding just a small amount of relatively easy exercise and also making relatively minor lifestyle changes. These will include getting a handle on caloric intake, cutting back on sugary sodas and junk food and and being willing to get in eight hours of sleep a night.
There is no real secret to becoming thin in a relatively short amount of time. In fact, recent gains in knowledge of natural foods and supplements have made it possible accomplish such goals with surprising speed and effectiveness when combined with those changes to lifestyle and diet that were mentioned earlier.
Just had to the Internet and conduct a short search engine study on natural, safe supplements that can help a person lose weight in a healthful manner. Additionally, understand that the fat bit is on the body must be restricted from subsistence levels of calories. This means that a person will need to restrict calories to around 2000 or less per day.
Medical science has shown us that the body generally needs around 2000 calories a day to maintain its present weight. Therefore, if one is taking in 3000 calories a day, just cutting back to the 2000 calorie threshold will guarantee that a person will gain no more weight. Reducing that by 100 calories or 200 calories a day is an extremely painless way to drop weight over time.
However, if the goal is to become thin fast, combining natural supplementation with a reduction in calorie intake of 500 to 800 calories additional per day (meaning dropping overall calorie intake to 1200 to 1500 calories per day) will be called for. Also, it might be necessary to up water intake to around eight glasses during the waking hours of the day. Water is a universal solvent, and will help to dissolve fat away.
If one is really serious about becoming thin fast, one is going to need to look at just a bit of exercise to the regimen. Most experts would say, though, not too overly stressed the body by making drastic lifestyle changes all at once. Rather, add water first of all (and it can be made more tasty by adding fresh squeezed juices to it along with some crushed ice).
Put it all together, meaning throwing in exercise along with use of certain natural supplements and changes to diet to add foods that help to burn fat while eliminating as much as possible all those high-fat foods will go the farthest towards the point where one will become thin fast.
Have you tried many fat loss products and diet plans on the market but failed? Fat Free Blueprint is a regularly updated website which contains resources and tips you can use right now to drop your fat quickly. If you want to know how to become thin fast; here is one product "Fat Free Blueprint" recommended and you can read the honest Fat Free Blueprint Review.

Friday, October 23, 2009

10 Reasons to Lose Weight Now By M James Platinum Quality Author

If you know you're overweight and don't want to do anything about it, or if you've tried every diet going and it's still not working, and you don't know what to do next, you might be tempted to give up, and carry on as you are. Don't.
Here are 10 reasons to lose weight now
1. By losing weight, you'll soon start to feel better. You'll notice your physical health improves quickly and you'll also be aware that you can sleep better, and don't seem to have some of the worries that you had before.
2. A healthy weight loss regime will see you getting healthier. You'll be able to stick to an exercise routine, eat sensibly and see yourself getting healthier.
3. By being at the right weight for your height, you'll be at far less risk of conditions, illnesses and diseases, such as a bad back, bad knees and ankles, heart disease and diabetes which can often be due to being over weight.
4. If you are healthier and fitter, you can spend time with your children, doing the things they want to do, rather than them having to stay indoors because you can't or won't take them out. They'll want you to lose weight for their benefit, and this could inspire you.
5. You'll be able to do productive things, such as going for walks, or going out for the day in much more comfort than before. You won't be as worried about being short of breath, or having to stop all the time for a rest.
6. Maybe you've always wanted to be active, or take up a new hobby, but have felt that your weight has stopped you. Why not think about starting your new hobby once you lose the weight?
7. You might have wanted to take up sports but felt that you were the wrong shape or size. Why not see if there's a club you can join to help motivate you into losing even more weight?
8. Once you have lost weight, and reached a goal, you will feel and incredible sense of achievement. You'll understand why all the sacrifices and exercise has been worth it, and what it now all means to you.
9. You'll need to be motivated in order to lose weight, and you'll want to make sure that you can stick to your regime, and avoid temptation. Why not focus on doing it for yourself, or for your children, or decide to treat yourself when you reach a weight loss milestone?
10. For many people, the main reason for wanting to lose weight is to wear the clothes they want to. If you have a wardrobe that you want to wear again, or want to wear something in particular to an even or other special occasion, why not think about losing weight now?
If you know you need to lose weight, then you've done the hard bit, by admitting it. Getting the advice, help and support you need to achieve it should be much easier.
If you're looking to lose weight and get fit, but don't know where to start, why not find out more about Fitness Classes Dublin, swimming lessons, and other exercise classes, at leading Gym Dublin, Total Fitness, at today?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

How to Get Rid of Fat - Burn Fat Fast By Suven S

If you want to get rid of unwanted fat, follow these simple but effective steps everyday:
Metabolism slows down after 8 hours of sleep. Therefore go for 30 minutes of exercise before dinner this will increase your metabolism for about 2 - 3 hours. This produces an increase in burned fat even hours after the work out is over.
Never skip your meals. Skipping meals decreases the metabolism, which results in slow weight loss. Metabolism is the rate at which body burns calories to produce energy. Therefore, in order to burn more calories you need to increase your metabolism by eating right quantity at right time.
Upon arising drink a glass of lukewarm water mixed with the juice of a half lemon this recipe will boost your metabolism, and also help preventing constipation and is excellent for the skin. Do consult to your doctor before beginning an exercise, weight loss, fat loss program.
Go for at least 30 minutes of brisk walking 4 - 5 times a week. Brisk walks have many health and psychological benefits. Add some spices to your diet, as spices speed up the metabolism - even the milder varieties.
Keep a note of calories you consume per day, note down what you eat or drink. Avoid soft drinks and other calorie rich drinks. Drink plenty of water every day, water boost up the metabolism. Try to consume 25-35 grams of fiber per day Fiber will help satisfy hunger pangs as well as control insulin and blood sugar.
Go for aerobics exercises as aerobic exercises increases lean muscles mass and decreases stored excessive fat. Eliminate fried food, fast food, canned food from your food menu if you want to add something add some raw fruits and vegetables as they are more beneficial.
If you want to lose your fat fast go to world's fastest fat loss secret at and if you want to eliminate your fat in less than 10 days then go to world's fastest detoxification secret at world's fastest detox Here.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

10 Tips on How to Get Rid of Your Fat Abdominal By Tom Mitchinson

1: Be sure to train your abdominal muscles from different angles. Practice all the abdominal muscles for both the most and the lower region -- and low also exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles.
2: Set up the intensity so you go after to do "total failure" in every sign. That means the point station you can not squeeze an extra repetition out of your abdominal muscles. Start on a else set when you feel ready. moment time, when abdominal muscles are developing, you include the more protest exercises in the program and try to do further repetitions, while you decrease the rest period between each buy.
3: Most abdominal exercises hideous head position emphatically. valid is money that you do not rape your head down to your chest or neck leans transfer. The probe must be in "neutral position". A good rule of wield is to construct that an apple is pushed under your jaw and ergo hold the head in this position!
4: Your hands will be dilatory your smooch at populous abdominal exercises. This attitude helps you to support your head and thus relieve annoyance on his neck.
One usual mistake many enter upon is that they homogenize and juxtapose their fingers delayed your glance and pulls head onwards. It reduces the turn of exercise again puts esteemed pressure on the spine. Keep your hands open instead, or tied behind your shaft. So you avoid "cheating" and impaired yourself.
5: Remember that your body does not need to animation in large movements money decree to effectively stimulate your abdominal muscles. Indeed, the strikingly valid movement rather small, ca. 30-45 degrees in famously drills. If you use a larger going than this, your hips bend ofttimes take through and thereby reduce the burden on the paunch muscles.
6: Try to support constant consternation on your abdominal muscles during performance of both the 18-carat and anti phase of repetitions. If you escape pressure whereas of that you unlock or resting on the bottom of a refresher, this bequeath slow your progress.
Try to keep a supine rhythm, both on the avenue up and works down! (Negative + natural phase)
7: How many repetitions you can negotiate in a stand together depends on how you perform the exercise. But if you perform this exercise correctly (see tips 1-6) and you still are able to perform more than 25-30 repetitions, you can use a bulk as an extra load.
Be aware though that you never perk a load is so heavy that real is beyond your technique.
8: Focus on your workout, do not to fantasize. Focus on every repetition of every play ball. Try sometimes to keep a aid on your abdominal muscles since you care ambiance that they work.
9: Be conscious about your breathing while you exercise.
Do not hold your breath during abdominal workout. Breathe influence through your nose during the negative performance of repetitions (when you lower your body). Breathe foreign through your entrance when you perform the last third of repetition, where you pull stomach muscles together (the positive phase).
10: Remember first further foremost that you can body muscle mass with strength training, but you will not conceive well-defined abdominal muscles disoriented simultaneously adopting a healthy besides unhappy fat diet supplemented with regular cardiovascular training.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Best Workouts For Your Shoulder Muscles By Robert Roderick

Do you want to improve the definition and appearance of those shoulder muscles?  Your shoulders are one of the most notable points on your body, and a good set of shoulder muscles not only improves your appearance but provides you with the core strength for day to day activities.  Below  I have listed 5 exercises that you should incorporate into your exercise regime to build those shoulders and improve you appearance.
The seated dumbbell press
Sit on a flat bench or chair while holding 2 dumbbells, one for each arm by your side.  Raise both arms straight up at the same time, fully extending arms, but not locking your arms completely.  Gently bring the dumbbells back to shoulder level and repeat depending on how many sets and reps you want to accomplish.
Seated barbell press
This exercise involves the same motions as the dumbbell press, but involves replacing the dumbbells with one barbell.  Repeat the same movement up past the shoulders, while insuring not to lock elbows while extending.  With this exercise you have 2 variations, you can lower the barbell to your front at chest level or lower barbell behind your head. Use both variations of the exercise to work all the muscles in your shoulder and neck area.
Barbell row
Stand straight with a barbell held with a shoulder width apart grip.  Always insure you're elbows are kept above your hands at all periods of time.  Raise the bar from the starting position so you elbows are aligned with with shoulder height.  Hold this position for a good few seconds and then return to starting position gently and slowly.  Repeat the process while insuring proper breathing and straight back.  If it helps you can always stand flat against a wall to keep ur posture correct at all times.
Dumbbell lateral raises
Get hold of 2 dumbbells and hold them in front of your body while insuring your palms of your hand are directly facing each other.  Gently raise the dumbbells simultaneously out towards your sides while gently raising them upwards so you have just gone past shoulder height.  Once you have reaches this position hold for a few seconds and return to starting position and repeat.
Bent lateral raise
For this exercise you will need to bend over at the waist while keeping knees slightly bent and holding dumbbells at arms length in front of you.  Make sure to have your elbows slightly bent, and gently raise weights to the back and upwards in an arc motion.  As with the previous exercises listed, ensure you hold for a few seconds once extended and return to starting position.  Repeat process.
Those were my 5 recommended exercises for working your shoulders.  Make sure you incorporate these exercise routines into your regime and you will eventually build great looking shoulders as well as building your core strength.
Robert has been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his latest website over at where you can find advice on purchasing the right zebra bed set for your home.

Monday, October 19, 2009

How to Build Muscle Quickly - Muscle Building Secrets of the Super Fit By Ryan M Hall

Whether you are just starting out or have been hitting the gym for years, there is one thing everybody wants to know, how to build muscle quickly. The muscle building secrets of the super fit, those overachievers who can gain 10 lbs in a few weeks aren't as closely guarded as you might think. You just have to know where to look and who to talk to.
Most of us have spent a fortune on all the must have muscle gainers and lean mean cutting supplements, only to be disappointed with the results we receive. For those of you who have been body building for a while, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Not too long ago, I became one of the lucky ones. I learned the secrets to easily building huge amounts of lean muscle very quickly, and I want to pass some of that information on to you so that you too can be "one of the lucky ones."
Below are some of my favorite tips on building muscle quickly.
Tips to Build Muscle Quickly:
- Work hard but not Long:
If you work your muscle hard (keep a high intensity) but don't overwork them, you will force them to grow, but not make them so tired that you slow the healing process.
- Eat Protein and Carbs:
Don't cut carbs, especially post workout. Your muscles need carbs and protein in order to rebuild after each exercise. Give them the fuel they need, especially right after you leave the gym.
- Compound Exercises:
Do more compound exercises rather than focusing on specific muscle groups. This will help to build all of your muscle groups at once, rather than each group one at a time. This will also build muscle groups together, making them work in conjunction with one another, something you won't get with isolation exercises.
- Use Free Weights:
Using free weights will force your muscle to work harder to stabilize the weights where machines do the stabilization for you. Stabilizing the weights while you lift will make you gain even more muscle quicker than if you are using a locked down machine.
- Drink Water:
You need to be hydrated if you want your muscles to grow. Make sure you are drinking a lot of water when ever you are exercising to build muscle.
Building muscle quickly is much easier if you just follow these few simple tips!
Don't waste your money on miracle muscle building supplements or work hard without a solid plan, go into the gym and exercise the right way, and you will get the right results.
For more information on how you can Build Muscle Quickly and sculpt the body of your dreams with short 20 minute workouts and a simple straight forward diet plan, visit
Sign up for the free diet tips ebook and learn some simple changes you can make in your life to lose up to 20 lbs. in 20 days. This is the exact blueprint that I have used to lose an amazing 95 lbs. of fat and gain 20 lbs. of Lean Muscle Mass.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hardgainer Tips For Skinny Guys - Bodybuilding Secrets to Bulk Up By Emile Jarreau Platinum Quality Author

One of the most frustrating things in the world for a burgeoning bodybuilder is to be stuck with an incredibly skinny body that refuses to put on muscle. Bodybuilders call these guys hard gainers and their journey to having an incredibly muscular physique can be an incredibly hard one indeed. While it seems everyone around them bulks up quickly with just a normal amount of weight training exercise, these hard gainers stay skinny and put on little if any weight at all. Let's look at some bodybuilding secrets that can help turn these hard gainers into the ripped and muscular physiques that they desire.
First and foremost, the most important thing in the world is to stick with the major muscle groups. One of the most tried and true principles in bodybuilding is that to build significant amounts of muscle, you have to use significant amounts of muscle. This means that spending all of your time in the gym curling your arm will not pack on the pounds. Many people have even heard that doing squats is the best way to add pounds of muscle but few ever heed the advice. This is because performing squats is difficult and not fun at all. The fact remains, however, if you want to build a strong and impressive physique, compound lifts such as squats should comprise the foundation of your workout program.
Another bodybuilding secret which isn't so much of the secret anymore is that if you want to build big muscles you gotta eat big meals. Increasing your caloric intake is incredibly important to build muscle as your muscles need this additional source of calories in order to grow larger. This can be tough for hard gainers as skinny guys just don't have the appetites of the bigger guys. One rule of thumb that can help you in your quest is to eat the amount of calories for the size person you want to become. In other words, if you weigh 140 pounds and you want to weigh 180, then eat the amount of calories needed to sustain the body weight of 180 pounds. Increasing your calories coupled with regular intense weight training can help get you where you need to be with respect to gaining additional muscle.
Finally, if you want big muscles, then stop working out. I know what you're thinking, it probably sounds crazy, but taking some days off from your workout might be the best thing you can ever do to help your muscles grow. You see, the biological process of muscle growth occurs while the body is resting, not working. Muscle growth actually occurs when the muscles themselves are damaged and the repair process is what makes them larger. This process cannot take place while the muscles are being used so it is extremely important to build in plenty of rest into your workout schedule. One plan that can work very effectively for hard gainers is to work out one day doing compound lifts such as squats and bench presses, and follow it with a full day of rest. Then, on the third day, hit some body parts that you didn't on day one of your workout and then follow this workout with rest as well.
One thing is for certain, if the workout regimen is adhered to overtime, muscle gain will occur. Sometimes it takes months or even years to develop the physique you desire but if you stick to it and follow the principles above, you will be successful over time in building the muscular physique you desire.
Emile Jarreau has been involved in Fitness and Bodybuilding for over 32 years. For more information regarding fat loss go to

Saturday, October 17, 2009

How Much Weight Should I Lift When Starting in the Gym? By Robert Roderick

One of the most common questions asked by anyone when first starting a weight training schedule is how much weight should be lifted to have a positive effect on the body. The answer to this question depends on what your goals are, but it is important in general not to lift too much as to cause injury and too little if you intend on building muscle. You see there are many other factors that come into play, and the answer isn't clean cut and set in stone. Ever seen those guys at the gym lift weights that only superman can lift? Well if that's your first observation then clearly you shouldn't even attempt what they are doing!
It is widely recommended that when first starting to lift weights, you should start with very light weights with high repetitions. The reason for this is to train your muscles to get accustomed to the motion and use before attempting something slightly heavier with lower repetitions. Muscles grow through realising that something is expected of them, and this is accomplished through a gradual increase of resistance. If you are looking to tone your muscles then high reps with a low weight is all that is needed, but keep your workout time between 30-40 minutes maximum. With muscle building the process involves damaging your muscle fibers so your body knows to grow fibres stronger and thicker for the next time. As time goes on and you become more experienced in lifting weights you can aim for heavier weights to propel your muscle growth to new heights.
I get the idea, but how much should I actually lift?
My personal opinion is that you should start by lifting a weight that is approximately seven to nine times comfortable with it becoming a slight challenge towards the last rep. If you cannot lift it nine times then clearly is too heavy, but if you find that you can do this for more than 3 sets then the truth is the opposite, too light. Aim to complete 3 sets of any exercise that eventually will leave your muscles feeling tired and strained. At the end of working a specific body part you should not be able to left a thing, your body will feel so weak. At that point quit, and don't go any further.
Robert has been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his latest website over at where he provides information on choosing the right zebra comforter set for your bedding needs.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Weight Training Or Body Building? By Graham Bray

Weight training vs. body building or strength training is a misunderstood area of weight workouts. Many people use the terms interchangeably but this is in fact incorrect. Strength training is NOT body building. The goals of the various disciplines involving the lifting of weights are all different.
The number one goal of body builders is to develop a proportionately muscled physique. Male and female body builders have increased muscle mass, with appetites to match. Men are usually very heavily muscled, while the women are highly muscular with chiseled figures.
In power lifting the goal is to primarily build strength and the ability to move heavy objects relatively easily. The word relatively relates to the definition of heavy object. Some people want to move trucks and others just want to move the furniture when they are cleaning the house.
When considering weight training vs body building, you probably really don't want either extreme. You probably want the best of both worlds - a muscular body that is toned, trim and athletic with functional strength.
The weight training vs bodybuilding debate is quite controversial. There are those that believe that body building is the worst thing that could have happened to strength training. They believe that the muscle size is huge compared to the strength achieved. They think the body builder's muscles are over-developed and less effective.
On the other hand there are those body builders who don't see the point of pushing themselves to the limit with heavy training if they can't see the visual impact on their muscles.
The controversy actually comes down to functional training vs. cosmetic training - or training for athletic ability vs. body building for cosmetic or artistic reasons. By definition body building is cosmetic or artistic because in competition bodybuilders are judged by how they look, not how they perform. The measures are qualitative rather than quantitative.
The definition of weight training vs body building then incorporates functional strength training which emerged from sports conditioning and rehabilitation. In functional training the participant uses a well-rounded program to achieve a more efficient and safer performance of sports activities. This may help them to overcome previous injuries by making the core stronger and more resistant to strains.
When considering weight training vs. body building the participants must weigh the options available to them and their desired goals. However, weight training, functional training and body building aren't mutually exclusive. In fact, body builders who understand the basic tenets of their sport also understand that their body must be balanced and they must avoid over-training. Using functional training and weight training vs. body building will decrease the risk of injury, avoid over-training and produce a more balanced and stronger body.
What becomes interesting is that by adding functional training into the mix you often also add FUN. This keeps the participant motivated and increases the chances of success. Whether you are weight training vs. body building or strength training adding FUN into the workout will make the training sessions more challenging, more exciting and more motivating.
Although the movement of body builders to incorporate more functional weight training can enhance the schedule of the body builder, the reverse is not true. Referring back to the original goals of the different sports it will become obvious that the body builder will benefit from further strength training, coordination and flexibility while the athlete who is strength training for sports performance won't benefit from bulking muscles up for cosmetic reasons.
When you evaluate the differences between weight training vs. body building take into account your goals, interests, time limitations, long-term desires and the motivation you have to achieve those goals. Once you know exactly what you want write your goals down and stick with them!
Graham Bray has had a lifelong interest in fitness and weight training, and is a scientist and educator by profession. His passion is to demystify the processes involved, and to get more people effectively following a healthy lifestyle. To learn more about weight training and body building please visit where you can access other FREE articles to help you build the body of your dreams.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Pyramid Scheme in Bodybuilding By Alan Tolchin, M.D.

As everyone knows there are 2 sides to a pyramid: ascending and descending. More advanced bodybuilders use this scheme to intensify their workout. After a 2-set warm-up at low weight the additional sets will use heavier weight for less repetitions until the top set is reached where 3-4 repetitions are used. Some will repeat this top set but it is advised to never attempt a single or double repetition lift as this causes considerable stress on the involved joint or joints and the risk of injury increases.
The descending side of the pyramid is performed in a rapid-fire no-rest series of sets using as many repetitions as necessary to reach muscle failure, then stripping off weight and repeating this descending series of sets with a weight low enough to do 10-12 repetitions. This is definitely not for the faint-hearted and it should not be used more than once in 4-6 weeks depending on the ability of the muscle group to recover. The last set is called a pump-out set and engorges the muscle belly with inflowing blood which helps in clearing breakdown products and allows for a faster recovery.
Recovery is followed by muscle growth so give your muscle enough time for both recovery (48 hrs) and subsequent growth. If you train again too soon, you will enter the state called "over-training" which is to be avoided at all costs as it stagnates muscle growth. As long as you are feeling soreness in the targeted muscle do not attempt to retrain it; you will be risking the over-training syndrome. If that does happen to you, take a week off doing no weight-training at all; aerobics are encouraged during this time off.
You will need a workout partner to facilitate the intensity of pyramid training especially on the descending side as gravity will become a difficult force to overcome without someone spotting you and helping you to do a few forced repetitions at the low end of the weight load. Forced repetitions are another very helpful way to overload a muscle while maintaining a strict exercise form with light weight. Needless to say, a training partner is invaluable when attempting any high intensity training.
Should you be interested in obtaining further information about bodybuilding workouts and weight-training routines please visit my blog: as I continually post different aspects about my experiences with bodybuilding. My email address for this article is where I will personally evaluate your bodybuilding workouts and suggest changes in your routines as well as answer any questions you may have.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How to Get the Biggest Muscle Growth Out of Your Weight Lifting Workouts (4 Tips For Skinny Guys) By Clement R. Yeung

To get maximum muscle growth, you must endeavor to influence as many factors as possible that will contribute towards you muscle gains. It requires brain as well as brawn - you must train with both quality and quantity.
In this article I will give the top 4 tips you must practice at the gym. Combine these with a well-balanced diet and sufficient recovery time, and you will be well on your way towards amazing muscle growth.
Weight Lifting for Muscle Growth Tip #1: Keep Going Outside Your Comfort Zone
The key is to achieve recruitment of the most number of muscle fibers in every exercise you do. A good way of doing this is going heavy by lifting a weight you can do only for a maximum of 10 reps (without losing proper technique).
Weight lifting beyond 10 reps will train your slow-twitch muscle fibers more than the fast-twitch ones. You really want to train the fast-twitch muscle fibers as they have the biggest opportunity for muscle growth.
Don't take this as license to be stupid though by lifting extremely heavy weights like many guys in the gym. If you can't finish the entire set without jerking or using momentum, then you're lifting a weight that's far too heavy for you!
Weight Lifting for Muscle Growth Tip #2. High Intensity Training
Lift really heavy weights and train with an intensity so high that you couldn't go beyond 3-5 sets per muscle group.
You can normally do your first sets with less effort, but when it comes to your last set you must really aim to give it your 100%.
It's really the last set where the magic happens. The first sets are just a means to an end. When you're doing your last set, here's one trick you must do to keep pushing yourself to your limits: try to do even more reps than what you did on the last set and/or add on a bit more weight to your final set. Do this consistently and you'll soon see what I mean by "magic".
Weight Lifting for Muscle Growth Tip #3. Always Work Towards Increasing Your Capacity
Work capacity means the total amount of weight, set, reps and duration of rest you get per gym session you do.
You can skyrocket your muscle gains even faster if you always aim to get your workout done in less and less time. You can do this by decreasing your resting time in between sets, by lifting heavier weights, or by doing more sets or reps. The more you increase your work capacity, the more muscle growth you will reap.
So next time you do your weight lifting workout, rest less, do more, and go heavier! When you start to hit a plateau, you know it's time to crank up your intensity and work capacity even higher as this means your body has adapted already.
Weight Lifting for Muscle Growth Tip #4. Work Harder or Go Home
Track your work capacity. Jot down how much weights you were able to lift per muscle group, how much reps you did, how much more you were able to push yourself last time, etc. Then do more than what you have done last time. This is how you ensure you're always progressing.
This will force your body to adapt and build bigger and stronger muscles. So the more steady progress you make, the more muscle growth you will reap - it really is that simple.
If you knew for a fact that last week you did 250 lbs for your bench press, then go slightly beyond 250 lbs. this week.
A healthy aim is to increase your strength by 5% every two to three weeks. For example, if you're bench pressing 100 lbs now, 2-3 weeks from now you should be aiming to lift 105 lbs. Do this and your muscle growth will also increase accordingly - guaranteed!
If There's One Thing You Must Get, It's This
Achieving muscle growth is all about applying a specific set of principles along with a well structured weight training program. Ultimately what you need to do is really educate yourself about what truly works, like reading "No Nonsense Muscle Building Program" by Vince DelMonte.
To give a push to the right direction, I can email you a 4-week Bodybuilding Program that you can start right away. I'll even throw in 2 free ebooks about muscle building as a bonus. To get these freebies, simply go to, and enter your primary email address so I can send them right away.
Clement Yeung used to be a skinny guy who went from 67 kg to 77 kg in the first 15 weeks of doing No Nonsense Muscle Building Program. He currently shares his own bodybuilding journey in his blog and shares everything he's learned so far about achieving maximum muscle growth to help other Hardgainers like him gain muscle weight, build muscle mass and get ripped fast without drugs or harmful supplements.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Best Muscle Gaining Exercise

Ok, we could probably all answer the above question by saying "weight training, of course!", but if you want to get into the specifics of actual exercises, you will find that compound exercises, or multi-joint moves, are the best for packing on muscle tissue. Although i have given you an up front answer on the types of exercises that are the best, it is the techniques that you use to break the muscle down, and prepare if for re-growth that will make the most difference in how much muscle you pack on.
The techniques that you use will need to break your muscles down sufficiently so that they HAVE to and NEED to grow, to adapt to the increasing overload that they are being submitted to. Obviously this should be done within the scope of your own personal strength and conditioning, and should not lead to you pushing yourself past your limits and causing injury.
You should train your muscles at different angles, and through a full range of motion to make sure that each head is developed equally and you do not cause any imbalance of musculature. This will not only lead to a symmetrical physique, but will also help your body stay in balance and avoid injury.
The final point in your muscle building exercise routine, will be the reps and sets to use that will best allow the process of gaining muscle. The regular 3 sets of 10-12 reps (3 x 10-12) is a reps and sets program that has been around since the year dot and has become popular due to say-so, rather than supporting evidence that it works. The reps and sets should be mixed up to enable you to gain strength, not only in your muscles, but in your joints, tendons and ligaments. The increase in strength in all of these areas will allow you to lift more weight, for higher reps. Cycling your training will give your muscles the opportunity to adapt to different loads and reps, and will make sure your body responds by packing on lean, hard, well earned muscle tissue!
Now I've told you about the best muscle gaining exercise, let me tell you where you can discover the techniques that you will need. Vince DelMontes' No nonsense muscle gain is a training program that i highly recommend that will show you the exact principles, training program, and nutrition program that Vince used to go from a skinny fat guy to a top competitor as a fitness model.
Follow this link to purchase this amazing muscle gain course, and have the best muscle gaining exercise program mapped out before you!
Stu J Carter - EzineArticles Expert Author

Monday, October 12, 2009

Six Pack Abs in Less than 60 Days

With a few critical changes to your workout plan, you can have six pack abs in less time than you have ever thought possible.
One of the secrets to six pack abs, is getting them to be visible. Often times, there is a layer of fat over the abdomen that hides all of your hard work. You need to lose this layer of fat if you want to show off your new abs to the world. Your abs will show through with or without the fat, but without the fat, you definitely see results more quickly.
Some tips to help you get those killer six pack abs more quickly are to:
Watch What You Eat:
Eat more than 3 meals each day. It is recommended to eat 5 or 6 small meals a day to keep your metabolism up. Stay away from fatty foods, white bread, pasta, sugary foods, and high fructose corn syrup. Instead, you should be eating more oatmeal, whole grain bread, fruit, vegetables, eggs, protein, olive oil, and, of course drinking lots of water.
Adopt A Workout Regimen And Stick To It:
It is critical to be consistent with your six pack abs workout if you want great looking abs fast. You need to being doing weight lifting and cardio exercises regularly. The exercises that will help you zero in on the abs are the bridge and the plank. These two exercises work your core very efficiently and the results are stunning. If you perform these two exercises with the proper technique, you can say goodbye to doing crunches.
Stock Up On Protein Bars:
In line with eating right, you must be sure you are getting the right amount of protein each day. If you miss a meal, a protein bar is a great stand in to keep your metabolism up. There are literally hundreds of protein bars and shakes that are great for those on the go. The bars and shakes can also help you keep your protein consumption at the right level. After all, we can only stand to eat so many chicken breasts and eggs in a day before we become bored with our choices.
Following these few six pack abs tips will go a long way to helping you achieve the look you want.
If you want to learn how to get six packs abs in the shortest time possible, you need to follow a defined work out plan. For more information, CLICK HERE.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mental Aspect of Gaining Muscles

O.K., so not ALL mental; but sort of...let me explain.
Let's take a common scenario of Joe Everyman working out. It's set three of bench-pressing, and his muscles are starting to weaken, and it's tough to lift the last rep. What happens inside his head? There are thoughts of "My muscles can't do it", "I'm too tired", or "I've lifted enough this time...good enough!" But you know what?
There are also thoughts of "I can do it!", "Just one more", and "Come on, I can succeed."
The trick is to listen to the positive thoughts and disregard the negative ones. But not entirely. Use those negative thoughts to get a grip on your self-esteem and see where you can improve. Conquer the negativity and make it your own.
But how does controlling your thoughts and thinking positively build muscle you ask? Well, just imagine if every time you have a choice between one or two more repetitions...or none. That's a huge increase! To take it to the logical extreme, think of the difference between working out a little and not working out at ALL. Major difference.
You've heard great athletes throughout the years stress the mental and downplay the physical. They're RIGHT. One thing I've said for a while now is that some of the smartest people in the world are professional athletes: they have learned how to control their minds and bodies. That's quite an accomplishment, if you ask me.
So listen to the good, make yourself join that gym, and keep going, even when you don't want to. And do one more rep!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Get the Body You Desire

We all want to be that guy at the beach that women take a second look at, right? I know I do! Well, it's really not that hard...all it takes is a little dedication coupled with some discipline and a good regimen.
I know many times in my life, I've STARTED to do just that, only to grow frustrated a couple weeks into it because I wasn't seeing results. Hm...when I actually type that out, I can really see how ridiculous that is!
Dedication, dedication, dedication. We're NOT going to see results right away, are we? Well, here's an idea: take a picture of yourself right now. Go ahead, I'll wait. Done? O.K., good. Now make a commitment to give your exercise and muscle-building routine a good six months. That's really not that long, you know. It's ONE baseball season. Baseball players give us a whole summer...the lease we can do is give our lives a chance to get better.
After these [possibly somewhat grueling] six months, take another picture of yourself in the same pose in the same spot. You're going to see a difference. If you ask me, actually SEEING a noticeable difference in your physique can be a major confidence-builder. Also, spend your time around positive people - people who are going to notice your effort and build you up. That sort of thing can be huge when it comes to accomplishing ANY goal, not just building muscle.
So if you haven't done it already, get that camera out and start lifting!



Friday, October 9, 2009

Bodybuilding Myths Explained

Bodybuilding is a misunderstood activity by many. People often think of the huge muscular hulk-like creatures standing on stages covered in oil as their veins bulge from beneath their muscle stretched skin. The fact is, any time you do any exercise designed to make your body look better, you're really bodybuilding.
Bodybuilding is simply the act of improving the look of your body by adding muscle and losing fat. It provides fantastic exercise can make you look and feel years younger. There are many myths surrounding bodybuilding which often leaves the inexperienced in the dark about some key issues that will help people to better understand and benefit from the activity of bodybuilding.
The first myth we'll talk about and one of the most common is the myth that when you quit working out, muscle turns to fat. This is a complete and ridiculous laughable joke. Muscle and fat are two entirely different things and one cannot simply turn into the other. This would be akin to spinning straw into gold and we all know that's not likely to happen. What does happen occasionally is someone who has a significant amount of muscle may quit working out but still continue to eat the same amount of calories. As their muscles atrophy or get smaller, the area on their body is then covered with fat based on their decreased exercise amount but consistent calorie intake.
Another popular myth that pervades bodybuilding is that in order to truly gain muscle, one should exercise each and every day. This is often a mistake and can lead to serious overtraining issues as muscles need more rest time than they need active time. In fact, most people can make fantastic muscular gains after only having worked out 2 to 3 days a week. The additional time allows their muscles time to recuperate and repair the damage that occurs with heavy weight training which then of course results in additional muscular growth.
One myth that can really hinder the growth of bodybuilders is that they need to focus on each individual muscle in order to get the results they desire. This causes many young bodybuilders to begin picking up weights and working on isolation exercises that only serve to work one muscle at a time. This could be arm curls using the dumbbell, or triceps extensions to work the backs of your arms, or leg extensions to work your thigh muscles. The fact is, isolation exercises are more valuable once you have reached a very advanced level of bodybuilding where these individual exercises will help to further define the existing muscles you have built. In the meantime, it is often just as effective if not more so to perform compound movements such as squats and deadlifts which will pack on pounds of muscle to your physique in relatively little time.
While the above represent just a few of the popular bodybuilding myths that exist, knowing about them may help you save time and effort in your quest to achieve the ultimate body through the act of bodybuilding.
Emile Jarreau has been involved in Fitness and Bodybuilding for over 32 years. For more information regarding fat loss go to

New Workout Program

I have just started a new workout. It is the "Crossfit" workout. It is awesome! Check them out at Their tag line is "Forging Elite Fitness" and they are doing just that. It is great for me because it doesn't take hours to do, it is new everyday, and I love the fact that you are supposed to work as hard as you can during the entire workout. Most of the workouts you are doing for time. For example I was asked to do 120 pull-ups and 120 dips in the least time possible. So I knew going into my workout the amount of time I spent working out would depend on me and my current fitness level. Yesterday I was to perform as many rounds as I could of a workout in 20 mins. So once again, I know I will be out of the gym in 20 mins. and would have had an intense workout. Try it you may like it also. Today’s workout is running a 5k.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Female Bodybuilding

Despite the great changes modern society is making regarding its views on women, many people still think it inappropriate for the females to involve themselves in bodybuilding. However, no matter what others may think there is a rising number of women who are going to the gyms to lift weights and even join bodybuilding competitions just as men do. They have trained to achieve the much-desired muscular build. Others have taken pills such as steroids to complement their workouts. All these they do still without compromising their womanhood.
Women do not build muscles to threaten men physically, of course. Like male bodybuilding, the first motivation is just to get a fit and healthy body. Doing cardiovascular routines, lifting weights, and performing push-ups and pull-ups are all meant to lose fat and replace it with lean muscles. After hitting their targets, many have opted to go into competitions and show to others the amazing results of their efforts.
Female bodybuilding has indeed come a long way. The numerous competitions and the rising count of women joining these only prove that point. Today, people know longer ask women why they take pains in lifting weights and grow muscles. Among the women, the question in circulation now is; what are the secrets in obtaining the impressive toned muscles of female bodybuilding champions. The answers are not at all difficult to find. Bodybuilding trainers, despite some minor differences, provide the same answers.
For those just starting out, hitting the gym floor and grabbing the barbells immediately may just be a recipe for disaster. They should first get the advice of experts on what routines they should do first. Their first sets of exercises should be based on an accurate appraisal of their bodies. After the appraisal, they can then start out with a light set of routines and with a few reps. As they build up their strength and as they get used to the routines, they can then start increasing the reps as well as the weights.
Advanced female bodybuilders may have more intense routines to follow. They can spend more time in the gym, lift heavier weights and do more repetitions. Focusing more on anaerobic intensity is also required. More rests may be afforded to them especially because of the tougher routines. For those bent into joining competitions, they should be learning the correct poses by this time.
Many female bodybuilders have also used food supplements and steroids to augment their efforts in working out. Taking in steroids can be risky, however, and seeking the advice of a doctor before doing it is suggested. What can be of great help, in a risk-free manner, is having a healthy diet at the same time. The diet should include a generous amount of proteins and carbohydrates. Proteins are important for muscle growth. Carbohydrates are also necessary as sources of energy. The combination of the right diet and workouts are the keys to a successful bodybuilding.
If you enjoyed reading about what a great results driven workout it is, then I promise you will love to see this. It is a great opportunity to get in the best shape of your physical and financial life. Contact me if you want to workout from home and make money doing it. Remember, everything I say has a guarantee.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Essential Body Building Tips for Ectomorphs

Ectomorphs are inherently skinny people. If you're an ectomorph it means you have a small frame and can probably fit your thumb and middle finger around your opposite wrist and then some. Most ectomorphs are also pretty long and lean. They have fast metabolisms which makes gaining weight difficult because they burn so many calories at a resting rate. That said, ectomorphs are able to put on weight if given enough time.
Here are some good workout basics for ectomorphs:
1. You need to go to the gym at least three times a week. I recommend this because it'll give you time to recover but will also allow you to consistently hit your muscles. You don't need to do a split because you should be able to recover faster with your faster metabolism.
2. Use compound lifts with good form, medium reps and medium sets. That means you should work in the 4-6 rep range and do 3-5 sets per exercise. I don't recommend doing too many exercises because that's just overkill. You probably shouldn't spend more than 45 minutes in the gym on any given day. But when you do go you have to make sure you're killing yourself and breaking a sweat.
3. The ectomorph needs to condition his nerves so that he can be more effective in lifting weights. That means when starting out you'll actually want to do fewer reps and work on building up neurological paths so that your muscles can all fire at the same time when lifting a heavy weight. This is essential to your workout plan and I recommend doing this for a week or two every six weeks.
4. Do not neglect your lower body. A lot of people neglect their lower body and never do squats or anything like that. You're just hurting yourself; not only will you be weaker, but your overall gains will be halved and you'll actually see a decrease in the rate at which you build upper body muscle also. That's because lower body exercises, specifically squats, are stressful and cause the body to release hormones which can help rebuild tissue at a faster rate.
For more ectomorph workout plans, visit this site.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How to Get Huge Calves

The calves are a difficult muscle to bulk up. No one is really sure why, but there are a lot of techniques that are often overlooked that can help you build them up. If you're having trouble building up your calves then read on.
The first thing you should know about your calves is that they're always under strain. They are constantly used to balance your body and are used to being put under a lot of force and working hard. This is, generally, why normal exercise techniques don't work on them. This means you'll need to do high volume workouts to make them bigger. Another thing to note is that there are actually three muscles groups in your calves and you'll need to work all three of them to see maximum results.
By high volume I mean you should work your calves out every day that you go to the gym and that you should use 3-5 sets consisting of 10-15 reps. This seems excessively high, but you have to realize that your calves have amazing muscular endurance and that it'll be very difficult to work them otherwise.
For the main part of your calf, I recommend calf extensions. You can do them on a machine - just google the exercise. The main problem with this exercise, at least on some machines, is that some give room to bend your knees. You need to make sure your knee is very close to being locked [although not actually locked] when you do these exercises. Only move your feet - do not move your entire leg.
There is another part of your calf called the soleus. This is the part on on the side. Building up this muscle will help you make your calves appear wider and larger overall. There's only one exercise that I can recommend for this grip and that's the seated calf raise.
The other part of the calf isn't as important for appearances and it is actually situated in front of your leg, to the side of the shin bone. You can do the same exercises as you normally would, except you push out with your heel instead of your toes. I recommend doing all three of these exercises each time you work out so you can maximize the gains. Good luck!
For more information, go here: No Nonsense Muscle building.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Ripped Abs

If you are tired of seeing everybody else with ripped abs, and you want to look the same way, this is the plan you need.
You don't have to worry about expensive gym memberships or personal coaches. You can get really good results with on your own with a good plan to follow.
First off, its all about your proper nutrition. You have to eat right, or none of what follows will help you much.
Shoot for about 2000 calories a day. Stick to lean meats, fruits and green leafy vegetables, and whole grains. Your body will need proper fuel to build new muscle and repair itself from your workouts.
Next, plan on working out about three times a week. You can take - and you should take - a day off every week. This just helps your body to recover and develop muscle. Along with this day off to recover, make sure you are getting enough sleep each night as well. Don't be going out until 3 in the morning every night and expect to get ripped too!
The last important step is cardio. Good cardio will help shape and tone your body overall. It also helps keep your metabolism high too. Simple running, playing some volleyball, ball hockey, all these will help you. It doesn't have to be high intensity. In fact, its better if its not.
Follow these simple foundational steps and you will start to see results. Get a partner and train together and getting there will be even easier and more fun too.
Get the plan you need to succeed! Go here to find out how you can get ripped!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Weight Lifting Routines

Are you interested in discovering how to Get Ripped Muscles just by using a weight lifting routine?
Want to know how to get your muscle mass by weight lifting?
I understand how you feel...
I know, because I have been there. In fact, I needed to learn how to get my muscles ripped the right way.
But I was able to look at bodybuilding exercises that produce powerful and shocking results that will get your muscles moving in the right direction!
Here are a few powerful secrets:
Weight lifting routines are safe, but if you want to work with high weights, then you will need to find a spotter. Usually anyone in the gym will help you if you ask.
Not only can you build massive muscles, but you can lose weight at the same time. When you are exercising you are putting muscle where the fat is. You want to build those muscles and get rid of flab. It is building muscle in order to burn those calories that you just ate.
Even if you are not building massive muscles, you can still do a bodybuilding routine three times a week and get your metabolism burning those calories. If you don't exercise, you won't get muscles and won't get those calorie burning muscles to lose weight and build muscles.
Once you start getting into bodybuilding, you want to start working with 3-5 sets of each exercise. With each set you want to increase the intensity levels. Only do what you can handle. You may not feel the pain until a day later and then you may not want to exercise again until the pain subsides. That is not consistency and will hurt your workout.
See the amazing power of using weight lifting routine?
Warning! This secret is only good when used correctly, so I recommend you take caution with this.
Always consult your doctor when starting any exercise or nutritional program, including accessories.
If you want to know more secrets to build a weight lifting routines, pay attention!
I strongly urge you to read on to discover 10 more weight lifting routines -

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Using Nitric Oxide

In understanding the nitric oxide bodybuilding supplement one needs to appreciate the function of this enzyme within the body. In terms of the body builders and gym enthusiasts the enzyme provides an arterial lining, which in turn deters blood clogging the arteries. This has major benefits for people in that it delivers much needed nutrients, via the blood to the various areas of the human body within the normal biological process. This is accelerated by exercising and muscle training, hence making the supplement so popular amongst those that are looking to build muscle fast.
This is furthermore an extremely beneficial product that is well known within the weight lifting and training community, due to the fact that the product has no known side effects, whilst encouraging such delivery of nutrients to the necessary areas within the body, both during and after training. These issues are important, due to the fact that the person who is training requires energy during the workout, and requires the nutrients on a post workout basis, in order to speed up recovery of the muscles that were strenuously exercised. This is exactly how bodybuilders increase their muscle mass.
The benefits of the nitric oxide bodybuilding supplement are further displayed in the smoothing effect the supplement has on the muscle groups, brought about by a relaxation of the muscles. This process is exactly that which was described above and is specific to the delivery of nutrients to these muscle groups. With the effective delivery of these nutrients to the muscles, the person who is training, or trying to exert themselves even further has the opportunity to maximize their time spent training, due to the creation of these optimal conditions for the body.
Medical specialists utilize the nitric oxide bodybuilding supplement in a couple of key areas, including the use in fighting heart disease, specifically for its antiatherogenic properties and tendencies. Although this enzyme occurs naturally within the body, and is brought about by the process of exercising additional supplementation is required at times to boost the bodies content thereof.
Research into the use of the nitric oxide bodybuilding supplement continues and a number of ancillary benefits within the medical field continue to be revealed. Areas of application include the use of the enzyme contained within the nitric oxide bodybuilding supplement are useful beyond that of mere heart disease, but also effective in the treatment of some psychological conditions, as well as some other muscle and degenerative conditions that can stand to benefit from the naturally occurring enzyme.
The nitric oxide bodybuilding supplement is no secret tool, and most definitely not a flash in the pan product, it is rather a proven, tried and tested supplement that has been used by people for many years with excellent results within their training programs, shouldn't you give nitric oxide a try, especially consider it is a naturally occurring supplement to help you achieve your goals in the gym.
The Nitric Oxide Bodybuilding Supplement provides increased blood flow and nutrients to the muscles, whilst also protecting the arterial linings. Visit Sport and Supplements for more information and details at

Friday, October 2, 2009

Best Abs Workout for Men

Ah yes, one of the most common questions I get asked by guys at the gym "what is the best abs workout for men?" This is the question that I will address in the article. I remember the days when I had no idea about gaining muscle and getting ripped abs. I used to think "If only I could do 500 sit ups a day, then maybe I'll get abs like the guys on the front cover of bodybuilding magazines!" This was until I stumbled upon the cold hard truth about getting visible abs like the pro's.
So now when I get asked "so just what really is the best abs workout for men?" I can say that the answer is clear and simple: Anything that helps burn the layer of fat around your abs! The truth is, no matter what exercises you do, no matter how much you do them, if you can't get rid of the extra flab around your abs, you won't get that killer six pack! Which is why your diet is fundamental to your quest in getting great, visible abdominal muscles.
"Abs are made in the kitchen" was the phrase a personal trainer at my gym said to me. This is so true. Diet and nutrition is a fundamental point to getting a six pack. First of all, cutting right down, even better eliminating, all foods that contain empty calories, just as soft drinks and sugary sweets. These things do nothing but add fat to that layer around your abs. Not good! Try and cut out processed foods also, as these things are packed with sugar and are also just plain not good for your body in general.
What you need to do is to start eating a lot healthier. Add more protein to your diet. Protein helps to build muscle and is generally good for your body, especially when gaining muscle! Drink lots of water also. Water is the most important element, and has no negative health effects and is just generally good for you. I aim for about 6-8 glasses a day. Even if you're following the best abs workout for men, you won't see great results unless your diet is sorted!
The next step is up to you. You can either waste yet more hours of your valuable time, searching aimlessly around the internet and in magazines for the wrong information, or you can go straight to where I'm going to show you the top 7 best abs workout for men that will burn off the fat and sculpt your body. I'll also show you a complete, step by step formula of how you can get ripped quick.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Kick Your Bicep Workout into Overdrive

If your biceps are less than you would like them to be, you're not alone. A lot of guys like those bulging biceps and work on them almost religiously. Just take a stroll into any gym at any given time, and you should see a number of truly "bulging" biceps working harder to get even bigger. But sometimes, you can do more harm than good if you don't do things right. Make the most of your bicep workout by following a few simple tips.
First things first
If your biceps are the area of your body you want to target most, do some bicep exercises first, at the start of your workout when you have the most energy. This is called "prioritizing," and it's something that can make exercising most effective for particular area of your body that you want to improve, such as your abs or your biceps. That doesn't mean that you can ignore the rest of your muscle groups to work on your biceps, but by starting on them first, you're going to make sure that they get the full attention they need.
Go easy
When it comes to your bicep workout, work out smarter and harder, but not necessarily "more." That is, you want to challenge yourself with every workout to do just a little more, but not a lot more. If you try to overextend yourself, you're going to get hurt so that you won't be able to work out. See how that can set you back? So instead of trying to be all gung ho about getting bulging biceps, push yourself just a little, little bit farther, with every workout. For example, you could increase your reps by just one or two every workout, building as you go.
Watch yourself for form, not vanity
Taking a look at yourself in the mirror every now and again to check on your form is a good idea, so that you get maximum results and don't risk injury. However, if you obsessively do bicep curls or something similar in front of the mirror just to watch yourself work out, stop. Chances are, if you're checking your stuff out in the mirror obsessively, you're not concentrating enough on how you're feeling or on how the bicep workout itself is really going -- meaning that you should be challenging yourself and isolating your biceps so to really make progress. So nix the mirror except for the purposes of checking your form every now and again.
Focus on a whole body workout as much as you do your bicep workout
We know you want bulging biceps, but you're not going to be doing yourself any favors if you work on your biceps and skimp on the rest of your workout. The fact is, those biceps have to perform double duty during the workout, meaning that they're going to be essential to other parts of your workout as well, like back exercises. So if you tire them out too much, you're not going to be as effective during the rest of your workout.
The other thing is, when you focus on whole body workouts, your biceps are going to be getting plenty of a workout, too. Have you ever noticed that some of the biggest guys with the biggest biceps often don't pay that much special attention to their biceps in particular? That's because they work out hard with everything. So if you're doing rowing exercises, chin-ups, pull-ups, and that sort of thing, your biceps are getting a workout, too. That's not to say you can't do bicep isolation exercises -- of course you can. Just don't focus on them to the exclusion of the rest of your workout, because not only will you be shorting your biceps, but you'll also be wimping out on other muscle groups that need attention.
Change positions
With your bicep workout, you're probably used to holding the dumbbell in a certain way. However, if you change your position ever so slightly, you're going to be working different parts of the bicep so that it's fully getting taxed. So for example, elbows out, close grip on the dumbbell works your biceps' outer area, while placing your elbows close to your side and adopting a wide grip on the bar is going to work the inner area of your biceps.
To learn more about biceps workouts, muscle building, fitness and nutrition visit Visit the site right now to find out how to get your free Muscle Building Video Lessons.